Ultimate Approach To Staying Young

If you want to turn back the clock, here’s an easy questionnaire to discover what’s stealing your youthfulness.
There are no wrong answers; just be as honest as you can. This will give you an accurate picture of where you are today and how you could make healthier choices to improve your vitality.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at the elements of the plan. The primary goal is to discover how much you can improve your sense of well-being through exercise, diet, and other lifestyle modifications. Remember . . .
• If your muscles are strong . . .
• If you’re lean and fit and active . . .
• If you have sweet dreams because of a good slumber. . .
• If you feel gratitude and connection . . .
• If you have established a healthy gut for good digestion . . .
• If you create new neurons by learning new skills. . .
• If you eat good nutritious food with a wide variety of nutrients . .
• If you keep your stress level down . . .
• If you nurture the relationships in your life and work to create good communication with the people you’re close to . . .
. . . If you do all this, you’ll still get older each year. But it will be a completely different experience than it otherwise would have been, and it truly can be a change for the better!
Take this questionnaire to discover the ultimate approach to staying young!

But remember, making major lifestyle changes can seem pretty overwhelming. All all of a sudden, you’re supposed to sleep more, drink less soda, eat more veggies, and cut down on your sugar intake. But let’s be honest…you just can’t do everything at once. You could pull it off for a week or two, but soon you’d start feeling deprived of your old, familiar habits, and you’d feel yanked in a million directions. Eventually, you’d probably want to run from it all and just plop down on the couch with the remote control.
That, of course, isn’t the answer. Success comes down to one word…focus. The one surefire strategy is to focus your energy on one single healthy habit at a time. That way, you can learn why that particular habit is so important, and practice adapting it to your own tastes and preferences. After a while, you’ll incorporate that new healthy habit into your life without extra effort. It’ll just become second nature! Once you conquer one coal…whether it’s having more probiotics for healthy digestion, or strengthening your abs…you’ll be inspired to tackle another, and another. It’s like a domino effect. But a good one. Before you know it, you’ll have generated enough momentum to carry you through a complete transformation of your exercise and eating habits.
If you need some support with shifting any of these habits, click here and send me a question.