Tired of Being Tired? 5 Ways to Fix The Afternoon Energy Drop - Kathy Smith

5 Ways to Fix The


It’s a scenario we all know too well… You start your day feeling energized and productive, checking off your to-do list with enthusiasm. Then 2 p.m. rolls around, and suddenly you’re hit with an overwhelming wave of fatigue. That afternoon slump has struck again, leaving you dreaming of a cozy nap
It’s Not You, It’s Your Biology
If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone –  this mid-afternoon energy dip is completely normal physiology. In fact, some cultures around the world embrace this natural rhythm, incorporating afternoon rest periods into their daily routines.
The Science Behind the Slump
What’s really happening in our bodies during these afternoon energy crashes? It comes down to a fascinating battle between two biological forces: our circadian rhythms (our internal body clock) and sleep pressure (the building need for sleep that accumulates the longer we’re awake). These forces essentially fight each other during the afternoon hours, with sleep pressure often winning the battle – leading to that familiar drowsy feeling.
5 Strategies to Beat the Afternoon Slump
To help navigate the understanding of your body’s natural patterns and maintain steady energy levels throughout the day, check out these 5 power strategies to beat the afternoon slump…

1. Time Your Caffeine Strategically
Instead of reaching for coffee when you’re already feeling tired, try consuming your caffeine about 30 minutes before your typical energy dip. This allows the caffeine to kick in right when you need it most.

2. Light Up Your Afternoon
Exposure to bright light during the early afternoon hours can help regulate your circadian rhythm. Try taking a short walk outside or positioning yourself near a window during the peak slump hours.

3. Move Your Body
Even a brief bout of physical activity can boost alertness and energy levels. Stand up, stretch, or take a quick walk around the office when you feel the slump coming on.

4. Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can amplify feelings of fatigue. Keep a water bottle at your desk and maintain consistent hydration throughout the day.

5. Choose the Right Lunch
Opt for a balanced lunch that combines lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Avoid heavy, carb-loaded meals that can trigger a more severe energy crash.


Take Control of Your Energy

Ready to dive deeper into the science of sleep and energy management? Listen to my full conversation with Dr. Breus on The Art of Living podcast. We explore more advanced strategies for optimizing your daily energy levels and achieving better, more restorative sleep.