Let Food Be

There’s a surefire way to monitor your meal portions so you can always get the right balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats. I call it “The Plate Method,” and it’s just as simple as it sounds. When you’re planning a meal – whether you’re at home or in a restaurant – visually split your plate into sections….
The first section is for valuable vegetables. Whether it’s a mix of brightly-colored steamed veggies, or your favorite plant-based healthy salad, this is one section where it’s OK to fill it up….at least 50% of plate
Eating veggies that reflect the colors of the rainbow is a fundamental healthy eating tip for good reason. Here’s why…
Each color in fruits and vegetables is caused by specific phytonutrients, which are natural chemicals that help protect plants from germs, bugs, the sun’s harmful rays, and other threats.
And each color indicates an abundance of specific nutrients. For instance
Red fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals, including lycopene and ellagic acid. These help fight cancer, reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease, improve skin quality, and more.
Orange and Yellow fruits and vegetables improve immune function, reduce the risk of heart disease, and promote eye health, because they’re rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, including beta-carotene.
Plus, all the veggies offer a rainbow of vitamins and minerals and ample amounts of fiber.
Research shows that as you age, your protein needs increase, because your muscles are less sensitive to protein’s signals. Which basically means, your body doesn’t absorb as much protein as it did when you were younger.
Eating less protein starting in middle-age can result in a decline in the body’s ability to develop lean muscle. Remember, strong women stay young! Having lean muscle is important because it helps with everything from coordination to balance, from agility to endurance, and from energy to weight loss.
Lentils – 18 grams in 1 cup
Black beans – 15 grams in 1 cup
Goat cheese – 7 grams in 1 oz
Almonds – 5 grams in 1/4 cup
Pumpkin seeds – 12 grams in 1 cup
Natto – 31 grams in 1 cup
Eggs – 7 grams in 1 egg
Grass-fed beef – 22 grams in 3 oz
Organic chicken – 21 grams in 3 oz
Bone broth – 20 grams in 1/4 cup
Salmon – 17 grams in 3 oz
Yogurt or kefir – 6-9 grams in 6 oz
Consuming roughly 50 percent of your body weight in grams of protein per day is about what you want. Let’s say you weigh 160 pounds and you’re looking to be generally healthy, then I’d recommend having about 80 grams of protein a day in your diet.
There’s no magic pill to weight loss. But there is one key element that seems to transcend all the other weight loss secrets, one fast and reliable vehicle to fat loss – it’s going to be your new best friend: Fiber.
Fiber the underrated nutritional powerhouse! It can aid in weight loss, improve digestion, and help heart health. It keeps you feeling full, aids in weight loss, and keeps your gut happy. If you’re feeling hungry shortly after you eat, don’t have energy throughout the day, or having trouble losing weight, it’s a good sign you don’t have enough fiber.
Aim for 25G of fiber a day.
The two categories of fiber – soluble and insoluble – are easily confused.
Soluble is the kind that binds to water, forming a gummy gel in your gastrointestinal system, so not only does it help you to feel full, but it helps stabilize your blood sugar so you can avoid the post-meal “crash.” And remember, that crash doesn’t just zap your energy – it can also lead to weight gain. Examples include oatmeal, beans, barley, and fruits with edible skin (like pears and apples).
Insoluble, on the other hand, refers to the “roughage” that sweeps foods through your system. This category includes most whole grains, fruits, veggies and bran cereals. The bottom line on reaping the benefits of these two digestive dreams-come-true: You want to get plenty of both in your diet.
Vegetables, fruits and beans are some of the best sources of BOTH soluble and insoluble fiber, which will increase your ability to properly poop.
Barley…1 cup 6 g
Bran…3/4 cup 5 g
Quinoa…1 cup 5 g
Oatmeal…1 cup 5 g
Brown rice…1 cup 3.5 g
Change The Way You Age By Changing The Way You Eat
…With the Fit Over 40 Meal Plan
Yes, we are all going to age. And yet, it’s possible to make this next stage of life a much richer adventure and avoid the great decline that so many women experience. You have control over how that journey is going to look. It might feel like a stiff body, sore joints, foggy brain, and lack of energy. Or, it could be filled with renewed vitality, a supple body, and a healthy metabolism….it’s your call.
The Fit Over 40 Meal Plan offers a sensible approach to eating that allows you to reset your metabolism, balance your hormones and age optimally.
Here’s an inside look at the meal plan…
By combining the Fit Over 40 Meal Plan with the Fit Over 40 exercise program, you have the opportunity to regain your vitality, and you get the benefits of reduced risk of diseases, decreased symptoms of inflammation in your body, and enhanced strength and stamina.
As you age, there’s no better feeling than having enough energy and vitality for all the adventures coming your way!
Remember…exercise is crucial. However, the other essential part of living a healthy lifestyle is having a nutritious and healing meal plan.
Through the years, your metabolism can become a bit broken. And if you’ve been on an extremely restrictive diet, your body will have a tendency to preserve every fat cell as it goes into survival mode.
Fit Over 40 Meal Plan is an easy-to-follow eating plan that will get your metabolism working efficiently. And, the reward is that you’ll start shedding excess fat. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it can be your new reality.