Sweet Power Greens Shake - Kathy Smith

Sweet Power Greens


Today’s Sweet Power Greens shake includes a dream team of ingredients, starring pear, spinach, avocado and kale. The pear adds natural sweetness to this blend of hearty greens and smooth avocado. For extra fiber, leave the peel on. Drink your way to health!

1 C. Unsweetened almond or oat milk 
1 C. Kale 
1 C. Spinach 
1/3 C. Silken tofu 
1/2 Pear, cored and seeded 
1/4 Avocado 
Squeeze of lemon 

Blend all ingredients together and enjoy. 

This Yellow Zucchini-Carrot Pappardelle with Pesto is a celebration of color! 

Every month, I experiment with new plant-based dishes for the ReShape app. Healthy habits never tasted so good! If you don’t already know, ReShape includes a complete day-by-day food plan with both plant-based and traditional protein options for every meal.

Today’s plant-strong creation by Chef Michele Leao has been one of my favorites. It replaces pasta with fresh carrots and zucchini ribbons. 

Simple…and delicious. 

The carrots are sweet and earthy, and the zucchini acts as a sponge to soak in all the pesto’s flavors. A perfect combination.

This recipe calls for the zucchini and carrots to be served raw, but if you want to turn it into a pasta replacement, boil the ribbons for five minutes.

Voila! A pretty presentation that’s loaded with fresh veggies.