Self-healing vs. Pills and Needles: Please read this book! - Kathy Smith

 The Power of Self-Healing by: Dr. Fabrizio Mancini

In his convincing new book, Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, D.C. insists that you were born with everything you need to heal yourself. After millions of years of evolution, your body is equipped for any challenge that comes its way: germs, cancer cells, you name it.

The Power of Self-Healing BookBut in our society, a huge, aggressive medical establishment has been built around healing from the outside in, instead of inside out. A profit-driven juggernaut of drug companies, doctors, medical device manufacturers and others is determined to put things in your body to make you well: pills, needles, scalpels, radiation, even replacement parts.
In The Power of Self-Healing , Dr. Mancini outlines a step-by-step, day-by-day plan for you to achieve maximum self-healing potential in just 21 days, and maintain it to a very healthy and ripe old age! N.Y. Times #1 Bestselling Author Dr. Wayne Dyer says: “The Power of Self-Healing is destined to become a classic.”

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