Self Care is Giving the World The Best of You Instead of What’s Left of You

Self care is giving the world the best of you instead of what’s left of you.
Taking better care of yourself through nutritious movement and healing foods allows you to be the best version of yourself at work, at home and in your community. It allows for peak performance.
Learning to put yourself at the top of your to-do list will help everything else fall into place.”
As mothers, wives, caretakers, and volunteers, we tend to think of our needs last. Luckily, if you’re lacking in the self-care department, it’s a skill you can learn.
Research shows a seemingly endless list of the benefits of nurturing yourself…it not only improves your emotional and mental health, but it can also decrease levels of anxiety and depression.
If you’re feeling like you’re caught in the grind of everyday life, try developing the habit of carving time out for yourself by using your phone as a trigger. Simply set a reminder in your phone’s calendar every day (I set mine for 9:00 am). The reminder can say your daily affirmation, such as….
“I am reclaiming my joy,”
“I am calm and peaceful,” or
“I have an open heart and open mind.”
It might even say, “Hello, gorgeous!”
It will just be a reminder to do something rejuvenating for yourself.
In the good ol’ days…. aka a few months ago 😉 … you could de-stress by going to dinner with friends, or let out some steam at the gym. Now with all the efforts to social distance, it’s more important than ever to find the time to PAUSE and simply BE. That can be the beginning of your self-care routine!
Press the “refresh” button throughout the day with these 2 techniques…
Relax & Observe
When you connect with nature, the rewards are immeasurable. One of my favorite ways to change my mental state is to meditate deeply on a part of nature.
Take five minutes to look closely at a flower. Study the details of its texture and the structure.
When you do this, you develop a sense of reverence. The flower becomes a little miracle. You begin to see how complete and fully alive the natural world is at all levels.
Meditating on nature can be calming, fascinating, and inspiring all at once.
Let go of Anxiety
Slow, deep breathing is one of the best stress busters there is. Focus your attention on the breath entering your body, your breath flowing out, and the spaces in between.
Several minutes of this can lower your pulse, reduce your blood pressure, and relax much of the muscular tension in your body.
When I’m on my daily walk or hike, I take a few minutes to breathe in for a count of four and time it with my walks. For example….
While on the walk, find a photo take a moment to breathe it in, and take that good feeling with you for the rest of the day.