Lose Weight in Less Time With Interval Training - Kathy Smith

Lose Weight in Less Time with Interval Training!

I spoke to Self Magazine recently for a piece they were doing on anti-aging workouts.  What are the secret moves that keep beauties like Demi Moore looking so young? I’ll tell you, to keep our bodies burning fat, we need to keep it guessing and mix up our routines.  One of the best ways to do that is to HIIT train or interval train.

Interval training refers to the bursts of extra energy and intensity we can add to our workouts. For example, if you’re trotting on your treadmill at 4 mph (a nice, law-abiding speed), and then you increase your speed to 8 mph for 30 seconds . . . that’s an interval.  It’s a dig-down-deep exertion that you can only maintain for a short time.

4 Reasons to Start Using Intervals TODAY!

1)  Interval training burns calories faster.  Who doesn’t want to shave off extra fat? As you exercise, your body establishes a certain metabolic rate that matches the workout rate. By adding a surge of high intensity, you can increase that metabolic rate. Your body will burn calories at that higher rate longer even after you’ve returned to “normal” speed.

2) Interval training increases your fitness level.  Without an extra physical push, you will not increase your aerobic speed, muscle, or endurance. When you add intervals to your workout suddenly your all-out-efforts begin to get easier, which means you can push yourself further next time around so you can keep seeing results.

3) Interval training sheds intramuscular fat.  Do you have a zone of stubborn fat on the butt, the gut, or the thighs? Some of these so-called “problem areas” contain fat that is marbled into the muscle, so typical aerobic workouts can’t really tap into them. Interval training, however, can target those body parts and finally reduce the fat.

4) Interval training makes your workout a lot more exciting.  Although it can be challenging, interval training is enjoyable. Not only will it break up the monotony of a clock-watching workout, but those little bursts of energy give you something to look forward to. Plus, interval training causes your body to shoot a burst of feel-good hormones into the blood stream, contributing to what is sometimes referred to as “runner’s high.”

When I think of interval training the word “burst” comes to mind because that’s really what it is – quick bursts of energy to help you breakthrough or “burst” through your fitness barriers to next level. Once you start experiencing the benefits, those little bursts will become your new best friends.

Make it happen!
Kathy Smith

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• Functionally Fit: Peak Fat Burning Workout
• Fat Burning Workout
• Power Walk For Weight Loss DVD
• Body Basics Workout
• Winning Workout
• Secrets of a Great Upper Body Workout
• Secrets of a Great Lower Body Workout

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