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From the interview:
“The other day, I took my friend to the store to go grocery shopping so we could jump-start his weight loss together. We focused on a few simple items:
1. Almond Milk
He mentioned to me that he uses almond milk as the base of his shake — which I love. But then, we discovered that the almond milk he was using had 7g of sugar, versus the unsweetened kind (same brand!) and it had 0g of sugar! If you use the unsweetened kind, you won’t even notice the difference in your smoothie, especially if you sweeten it up with some blueberries.
2. Coconut Water
Coconut water is his post-workout drink of choice. It’s packed with nutrients, but the kind he’s using had 36g of sugar! So, we shifted his choice over to another coconut water choice with less sugar.
The trick here is to start with where you’re at. If you love almond milk, next time you’re at the grocery store, pay special attention to the labels. Look at all of your choices and be conscious of the hidden fats and sugars.”
I was amazed the first time I read a list of hidden sugar names — there are many. This is a list from a group that finds recovery from binge eating and food addiction by omitting sugar, flour from their eating. Food Addicts Anonymous. They find with abstaining from substances that for them are addictive, the cravings for highly processed or refined foods disappear. Names of sugars:
(Sunette, Sweet and Safe,
Sweet One)
Alcohol, alcoholic drinks
Artificial sweeteners
of any kind-Equal, Splenda
Sweet’n’low, Sweet Thing)
NOTE: All artificial sweeteners are considered sugar in FAA
Artificial flavors
(check with company)
Barley malt
Cane juice
Caramel coloring
Concentrated fruit juice
Corn sweetener
Date paste, syrup
Dried/dehydrated fruit
Evaporated cane juice
(e.g., Florida Crystals)
Fat substitutes (made from concentrated fruit paste)
Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
Fruit flavorings (check with company)
Fruit juice concentrate
Honey (any type)
-ides, any additive with this suffix: monosodium glycerides, olyglycerides,
saccharides (any), trisaccharides,diglycerides, disaccharides, glycerides (any), monoglycerides, onosaccharides, etc.
Licorice root powder
“Light”, “lite” or “low”sugar
Malted barley
Malts (any)
Molasses, black strap molasses
“Natural” flavors
(call company)
“Natural” sweeteners
-ol, any additive with this suffix:
carbitol, glucitol, glycerol, glycol, hexitol, inversol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, etc.
Olestra (made from sucrose)
-ose, these additives with this suffix:colorose, dextrose, fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose, levulose, maltodextrose,
maltose, mannose, polydextrose, polytose,
ribose, sucralose, sucrose, tagatose, zylose.
Raisin juice, paste or syrup
Rice malt, sugar or syrup
Rice sweeteners
Saccharin, liquid saccharin
Splenda (Sucralose)
Sucanat (evaporated cane juice)
Sugars, any type: apple sugar, barbados sugar, bark sugar,beet sugar, brown sugar (any grade), canesugar, caramel sugars, confectioner’s sugar, date sugar, grape sugar, invert
sugar, milled sugar, “natural” sugar, powdered sugar, raw sugar, turbinado sugar, unrefined sugar, etc.
Sunenette/Sweet-One (Acesulfame-K)
Syrups, any type:
agave syrup, barley syrup, brown rice syrup, corn syrup, date syrup, high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, raisin syrup,yinnie syrup (rice syrup), etc.
Whey (as an additive)
Xanthan gum
I used to make a coconut smoothie out of the water and meat from young coconut. I added raw oatmeal and protein and it was so good