Immuni-TEA Morning Volcano Shot

8 oz hot water
1″ ginger root, chopped
Juice from 1 lime or lemon
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
1 Serving unflavored collagen powder… check out the KS Wellness Collagen Beauty Drink
Peel the ginger, then chop the into small chunks. Put in the bottom of a mug along with the oregano oil. Pour in the hot water. Squeeze the juice from the link into your mug, and sprinkle with cayenne pepper.
Winter sniffle season is here! There’s a saying, “the best defense is a great offense,” so remember the Simple 6 to avoid getting sick….
- Manage stress by refilling your meditation
- Get moderate exercise daily to turn on your immune system
- Limit the white stuff (sugar)
- Wash your hands and have a moisturizing hand cream afterward (I like Nurish)
- Be mindful of touching your face
- Get plenty of ZzZ’s
To help bolster your immune system, try starting your day with a potent immuni-tea…. I call it the Volcano Shot.
It’s a simple mix of warm water, ginger, lemon, and cayenne pepper. For extra benefits, add a scoop of KS Wellness Collagen. You won’t notice a difference in flavor, but your skin, hair, nails and joints will thank you.
Fresh ginger, one of the main ingredients, is a culinary root that has been touted for its promising disease-fighting and anti-inflammatory properties for centuries.
This warm morning drink is an energizing pick-me-up. Sip, savor, and take on season!