How My Ankle Cuffs Have Shaped 1,000s Of Lower Bodies - Kathy Smith

Don’t Do Another Squat Until You Read This!

Get thinner thighs in 3 weeks (Without Doing Endless Squats) With The Stay Firm Lower Body Kit

Here’s what women are saying:

“The two 15-minute workouts in the Stay Firm Lower Body Kit have changed the way I think about exercise! The ankle cuffs are fun to use, and the workouts are short so I can fit them into my busy day. Kathy, my buns and thighs are finally in shape thanks to you! ”

“I love how versatile the ankle cuffs are from Kathy Smith’s Stay Firm Lower Body Kit. I never seem to have enough time to go to the gym, so whenever I’m sitting my computer or watching TV,  I strap the ankle cuffs on. This way, I get my leg workout in, and never have to leave home!”

“What a surprise! I started using the ankle cuffs in Kathy Smith’s Lower Body Workout and in two weeks, I noticed a difference in my butt!”

“I’ve made over my lower body – and had a blast doing it! It’s truly unbelievable!”

“I always hated my lower body. But not anymore, thanks to Kathy Smith’s Lower Body Kit!” 

3 Easy Ways To Get Thinner Thighs With Ankle Cuffs:

1. Strap them on while you work! Do a few leg raises underneath your desk, and repeat throughout the day. Consistency is key!
2. Take a mid-day energizer! Turn on your favorite song, strap your ankle cuffs on, see how many different moves you can discover before the song ends.
3. Before you shower every day, do 15 side taps followed by balancing leg lifts to tone your buns and inner thighs!


If you can give me 15 minutes a day, you can have slimmer thighs in 3 weeks


My Stay Firm Lower Body Kit Includes:

stay-firm-lower-body-6– Ankle Cuff Resistance Band adds strength training to your workout and helps lift and tighten your buns and thighs and restores your overall strength and balance to help you lose weight in time for summer!

– Stay Firm Lower Body DVD, split up into two 15-minute segments: Tight Thighs and Bottom’s Up, incorporates strength training techniques from the ankle cuff resistance band to make over your lower body in two weeks!

