Slim Walk Sneak Peek - Kathy Smith

Slim Walk Sneak Peek

My brand NEW walking audios are called “Slim Walk” for a reason. The Slim Walk interval training indoor/outdoor workouts helps you walk off 3x more fat. And once you get started, whether it’s this morning or tomorrow evening, shedding extra pounds is quicker and far easier than you ever dreamed possible.

A recent Harvard University study showed that walking transforms bodies inside and out, proving that it can strengthen bones, tune up the cardiovascular system, and clear a cluttered mind. I’ve had thousands of women and men tell me how my audio walking programs have helped them achieve their fitness and weight loss goals. In fact, my collection of audio walking programs can help you burn 3 times more fat than your ordinary walking program — in half the time! 

The Slim Walk Fat Burning Audios includes four workouts designed to give you maximum fat-burning results in minimum time (can you say “bye bye, belly fat?!”). Each audio offers a unique approach to the walking workout so the time flies while you’re having fun!

Don’t miss the 4 exclusive samples of each of the Slim Walk audios (above). These sneak peeks will fire up maximum motivation to get outside to start burning fat for summer. Don’t let the season pass you by – this is your summer to burn the fat!

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