Breakthrough Technique To Reach The Deepest Levels Of Sleep - Kathy Smith

Breakthrough Technique To Reach The Deepest Levels Of Sleep

We’re all experiencing disruption in our daily lives, and uprooting our routines can feel overwhelming. 

Routines are part of what keeps us grounded on a daily basis… they help create a sense of calmness and ritual. 

I have a saying, “win the morning win the day.” Morning routines are the simple secret to maximizing your day. But, you might not know that a great morning begins with a great night’s sleep.
To let go of stress, worry, and built up anxiety that you may be experiencing in your day-to-day life, try this 30-minute dreamtime visualization. It’s a simple creative visualization method where you comfortably close your eyes, take your focus off the world, and will allow you to enter the deepest levels of sleep knowing that you have relaxed your body and deepened your sense of well being.