Event Offers Networking - Kathy Smith


GlobalFit, the nation’s leading provider of healthy living benefits, extends its support of corporate fitness with its second worksite wellness summit. The event, to be held this May in Philadelphia, brings health and fitness experts together with wellness professionals for a full day of information, networking and, of course, exercise.

“GlobalFit now goes beyond simply offering affordable access to fitness clubs and nutrition programs,” said Frank Napolitano, the company’s President and CEO. “We’re developing GlobalFit into a comprehensive resource. With theSummit, we’re helping our sponsors build a corporate culture that supports employee health throughout their workday.”

Impressive Roster of Speakers

To build upon the success of the inaugural 2007 Summit, GlobalFit has gathered an impressive roster of speakers. The Summit will feature Mark Blondman of Blank Rome LLP; Dr. L. Casey Chosewood of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Dr. Gary Foster from Temple University; Sandra Perlmutter, former Executive Director of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports; and fitness expert Kathy Smith. Presentations include “Recipe for a Healthier Workplace,” in which Smith returns to the Summit with practical tips for supporting a healthy lifestyle at work. She’ll even lead attendees through a series of simple exercises that can be done daily at their desks. Dr. Chosewood will share best practices in worksite wellness, drawing on his experience implementing such programs for CDC employees.

TheSummitwill conclude with a networking reception in which professionals from some of the nation’s largest corporations can discuss their current efforts in worksite wellness and share ideas and resources with colleagues.

“The GlobalFit Worksite Wellness Summit is a forum in which the nation’s TOP employers can come together and discuss current practices and future trends,” adds Napolitano. “The ultimate goal is to encourage Americans to live healthier lives.”

Official Title for the Summit

Officially titled “The GlobalFit Worksite Wellness Summit: The Foundation for a Healthier Workforce”, the event will take place on Friday, May 9, 2008 at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel. This program has been approved for 4.75 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI). The cost for attendees is $99 through April 15 and $199 thereafter.

About GlobalFit:

GlobalFit is the nation’s leading provider of healthy living benefits. As The Source for a Better You, GlobalFit offers a comprehensive selection of programs, products and services designed to create a healthier world by providing access to benefits for healthy living. Since 1992, GlobalFit’s signature offering has been its fitness club network, now with nearly 10,000 providers nationwide. For more information, please visit www.globalfit.com/hrsummi.