The Solution… Get More Sleep! If you go to bed uptight, it will be harder to get a restful sleep. Unwind and relax before your bedtime with a meditation or calming yoga routine so you can release all of the weight of the day and have a good night’s sleep. The...
The Solution… Increase Circulation INCREASE YOUR ENERGY! One important aspect of more energy and maintaining your waistline is having access to a wonder drug! Yes, you read that correctly: There’s a wonder drug I’d like to recommend. It’s a drug that will give...
The Solution… Combat Stress! Stress can wreak havoc on our bodies and our health – and sometimes, taking a moment to breathe deeply and listen can help you regain your sanity. Try this “BLT,” which stands for Breathing Listening Technique. It’s...
Start Slow. Start Fast. Restart. Just Start! Morning habits. You already know they’re the simple secret to maximizing your day. But, you might not know that a great morning begins with what you do before you go to sleep. Here are the 4 simple techniques I add...
CHANGE THE TITLE! Change this text! Make sure you press this button if you’re pasting any copy! Any headlines are in h2. CHANGE THIS SALE TO THE SALE THAT’S IN THE NEWSLETTER PEOPLE LOVE KATHY’S TREADMILL WORKOUTS! HERE’S WHAT THEY’RE...
Thank you, Young Living! Total Body Turnaround Balance Reset Tummy Trimmers Pilates Mat Abs 10-Min T.N.T. Click here to download from Dropbox Powerpoint Click here to download the Powerpoint from...
15-Min Strong Legs Workout Park City is getting hit with a big snowstorm. That means two things…the roads are an ice rink, and the ski hills are full of fresh powder! Try the 15-minute strong legs workout (above) that I used to get my legs ready for ski season....
GET OUT THE COLD & WARM UP WITH LIQUID GOLD! Since the weather outside is frightful, warm up with a healthy recipe…with a twist. Next time you’re left roaming the fridge for a hunger-satisfying meal, but all you find are miscellaneous veggies,...
EPISODE 65 | Dr. Marc Schoen | Discomfort Training To Listen, Just Click Play! Organizing dinner for a crowd, holiday travel, and ample amounts of family time can be a...
STRENGTH TRAINING ADDS YEARS TO YOUR LIFE! A new study from the University of Sydney found a correlation between strength training and a lower death rate of all causes, including heart disease and cancer. Specifically, the risk of early death from cancer decreased by...