4 Love Potion SMOOTHIE RECIPES Love is in the air! Valentine’s Day is a perfect opportunity to set up a “love potion bar” where you line the counters with a variety of toppings, cute glasses, and turn on a fun romantic comedy. Add some va-va voom to...
Your Routines Become YOUR RITUALS Your routines becomes your rituals. Our habits and routines – many of which have become ingrained in our subconscious over the course of years – have a tremendous impact on our overall health and happiness. Anyone who has tried to...
7 Ways To Transition TO PLANT-BASED EATING A powerful way to improve your health, boost your energy and prevent chronic diseases is to transition to a more plant-based style of eating. Research has proven over and over again that optimizing your nutrition is a...
Double Chocolate PROTEIN OATMEAL Say hello to your new favorite way to spice up your oatmeal! This Double Chocolate Protein Oatmeal is so delicious that you won’t believe it’s healthy enough for breakfast. It’s a perfect way to kick off your morning,...
Health Begins With WHAT YOU PUT ON YOUR PLATE The science is clear. Irrefutable. Difficult — if not impossible — to ignore. The quality of our health is affected by what we eat. We are what we eat. A diet rich in leafy greens, fruits, legumes, nuts,...
Eat For Energy – The Infinite Breakfast Poached Egg & Avocado Breakfast Salad SERVINGS: 2CALORIES: 258 kcalAUTHOR: Christine McMichael from Jar of Lemons Ingredients2 eggs1 avocado7 grape tomatoes2 cups lettuce1/4 cup cooked quinoa1 Tbsp...
10 Common WORKOUT MISTAKES Whatever exercise program you’re doing, whether you’re in the free Fit Over 40 Program (learn more below) or are doing your own personal routine, there are certain mistakes that may be preventing you from getting the most out of your...
Fudgy Brownie Bites Created by Personal Chef Michele Leao It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that desserts and protein don’t mix… especially since most sweets are lacking in this macronutrient department. Keeping your blood sugar balanced...
The 5-5-5 Plan FOR MAXIMUM PRODUCTIVITY You might think the only measure of success is money, cars, the latest fashions, or your job description. I disagree. I think that it’s up to each of us to define the concept for ourselves. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright...
3 Tips To HEAL YOUR MITOCHONDRIA You may have heard of mitochondria, the tiny power factories inside your cells. If you’re having trouble losing weight and you’re blaming age, it’s not age… …It’s your mitochondria. If you have brain fog and not sleeping...