Re-Boot Your Mind And Body This holiday season, you will probably take time off from work or every-day activities to spend time with family and friends. And, as you catch yourself worrying about emails piling up in your inbox, you may even feel little guilty for...
1 Simple Way To Burn Calories Hours After Your Workout DON’T MISS MY BRAND NEW DVD, FAT BURNING WALKING! Click here for more info. You probably have heard of the “afterburn effect,” or how some exercises can help you burn calories for hours after...
f extra eating over the holidays left you with a little more belly bloat than you anticipated, then it’s time to activate your abs! In today’s blog, I’ll share with you a powerful move to engage your midsection…no matter what your fitness level...
4-Day Guilt-Free Thanksgiving Plan Although Thanksgiving has been dubbed as the “fattest” holiday, it may be surprising that more running races are held on Thanksgiving than any other day of the year. In the past 5 years, there’s been a 770% increase of people who...
15 Min Gentle Stretching Video Practicing gratitude can truly elevate our levels of happiness….in fact, studies show that it makes us 25% happier! Gratitude has the strongest link with mental well-being than any other character trait. Here are some of my favorite...
1 Move To Rejuvenate Your Metabolism Instead of grabbing a cup of caffeine when the afternoon blahs strike, try doing today’s simple movement pattern, The Monster Walk. This bodyweight move will oxygenate your blood cells, which helps refuel your body’s...
5 Reasons For Women To Train With Kettlebells Not to disregard the classic dumbbell, but kettlebells have been stealing my heart lately. Not only do their variety of exercises allow for full-body toning techniques, but new research is stating that kettlebell workouts...
How Much Is Your Soda Aging You? If your morning or mid-afternoon energy levels need a boost, you may want to think twice about running for the soda machine. You’ll be shocked when you see what a new study found that drinking soda was related to shorter telomere...
Eat This, Drop Pounds! Foods That Shred Fat…Naturally Here’s good news to kick off your Wednesday — certain foods you allow your body to work tirelessly to help you burn calories and torch fat. This means you can literally torch calories as you chew....