10 Reasons To Strength Train…No Matter What Your Age

10 Reasons To Strength Train…No Matter What Your Age

10 Reasons To Strength Train…No Matter What Your Age This week, I met an incredible woman. She’s 70-something (at a certain age, who needs to be exact?), and pumps it out in CrossFit THREE TIMES A WEEK! Through smart training and good nutrition, she proves...
The Miracle of Gratitude

The Miracle of Gratitude

The Miracle of Gratitude The miracle of gratitude is that it gently shifts your perspective of the world around you. And, practicing gratitude elevates your level of joy. In fact, studies show that it makes us 25% happier! Gratitude has the strongest link with mental...
#FitnessFriday Ultimate Sculpt Clip

#FitnessFriday Ultimate Sculpt Clip

#FitnessFriday Ultimate Sculpt Clip Take 2 minutes to build muscle and shrink fat with today’s video clip. This strength training workout alternates between total-body moves and core conditioning exercises. Feel vibrant while building muscle and shrinking...
Dessert Recipes

Dessert Recipes

TGIF! After your workout today, kick off your weekend with a sweet treat. These exquisite recipes are inspired by the finest spas and restaurants around the world. Mocha Mousse Executive Chef Jason Graham of Cal-a-Vie Health Spa, Vista, CA Total time 10 minutes plus...

Sex Over 50 – 4 Ways To Recharge Your Libido

Remember sex? If your libido could use a boost, or if you’d like to rediscover a deeper connection with your partner, or just have more fun in bed, then you’re in the right place to get past hormonal roadblocks and add some sizzle to your sex life. The majority of...

Walk To Better Perspective

Walk To Better Perspective Walking does more than just burn calories. In fact, a stroll in the park may help break negative and self-critical thought patterns. A new study from Stanford found that people who walked in areas filled with lush, green trees had lower...

1 Tummy Trick You’ve NEVER Tried

1 Tummy Trick You’ve NEVER Tried Here’s an amazing idea…You can tighten your tummy without any more dreaded crunches. In fact, today I want to show you a mini belly-strengthening trick that will grant impressive results. I’m willing to bet that...
Train Your Body To Slow Down The Aging Process!

Train Your Body To Slow Down The Aging Process!

Train Your Body To Slow Down The Aging Process!   Mindfulness? Meditation? Who has time to sit still? These are some of the concerns I hear from people when they want to bring peace into their life, but they feel like they’re constantly on-the-go....
Balance And Brain Health

Balance And Brain Health

Balance And Brain Health Scientists and anthropologists believe that a human’s ability to stand on two feet requires a major amount of brainpower. Balance and walking is an “all systems go” accomplishment. As you age, balance becomes more challenging and more...
Salad Dressing Recipes

Salad Dressing Recipes

Salad Dressing Recipes   It may not seem like it, but drizzling dressing on your leafy greens can sabotage your salad. Think of it this way…you wouldn’t spray paint your house, would you? Then why would you derail your dinner by pouring sugar-filled...