5 Ways to Fix The AFTERNOON ENERGY DROP It’s a scenario we all know too well… You start your day feeling energized and productive, checking off your to-do list with enthusiasm. Then 2 p.m. rolls around, and suddenly you’re hit with an overwhelming...
Fall Back WITHOUT FALLING APART If the time change has affected your sleep patterns and overall mood, you’re not alone. While gaining an hour might sound like a gift, the sudden shift in daylight patterns can throw off your internal body clock in unexpected...
Sleep… The New Status Symbol Dreamtime 30-Min Audio https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/KSPM01-SV-Dreamtime.mp3 The world has forgotten to sleep! Two-thirds of adults in developed countries are sleeping less than the recommended 8 hours a...
Sleep… The New Status Symbol Dreamtime 30-Min Audio https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/KSPM01-SV-Dreamtime.mp3 The variety of unprecedented world events this year finds so many of us struggling to unglue from the constant news cycle, and...
Banana Tea Recipe for Better Sleep My go-to resource for all issues related to sleep is Dr. Michael Breus, “The Sleep Doctor.” He is a clinical psychologist with a specialty in sleep disorders. This week, his blog was packed with tips for better sleep...
⭐ FREE ⭐ Re-Define & Re-Energize in 14-Days!• Reach your fitness goals faster than you thought • Feel strong & confident all day • Have consistent energy throughout the day • Improve mental clarity • Eat delicious food • Enjoy an exercise program...
EPISODE 55 | NAOMI WHITTEL | HOW AUTOPHAGY CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher Kathy Smith: Kathi, welcome to the show. Kathi Sharpe: Thank you very much and thank you for that lovely introduction. I’m thrilled to be here. Of...
Episode 32 | Dr. Oz | The Single Most Under-Appreciated Problem in America CLICK PLAY! FAMILIAR WITH PODCASTS? LISTEN ON iTUNES! Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher Follow Along With The Transcript! Kathy Smith: Dr. Oz, I’m so excited. First of all, I’m so...
Relax In 60 Seconds! Bodimetrics Relax Me from Kathy Smith on Vimeo. Everyone knows that taking time to relax is SO important for your sanity – but telling somebody to relax is easier said than done. Until now. The BodiMetrics Performance Monitor has a function called...
What Happens To Your Skin When You Don’t Sleep Not getting enough sleep takes away from your skin’s natural beauty. If you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter or two, you know that a lack of sleep has a sneaky way of showing up on your skin despite your best efforts...