Success One Step At A Time The less vague your goals are, the more you can naturally remove intense pressure of trying to achieve great things each day. For example, if your goal is...
Episode 30 | Dr. Sara Gottfried, M.D. | Younger CLICK PLAY! FAMILIAR WITH PODCASTS? LISTEN ON iTUNES! Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher Follow along with the transcript Kathy Smith: Well, let’s just jump right in. We’ve all been...
Relax In 60 Seconds! Bodimetrics Relax Me from Kathy Smith on Vimeo. Everyone knows that taking time to relax is SO important for your sanity – but telling somebody to relax is easier said than done. Until now. The BodiMetrics Performance Monitor has a function called...
Episode 27 | Bill Gifford | Stay Young Forever CLICK PLAY! FAMILIAR WITH PODCASTS? LISTEN ON iTUNES! Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher Follow Along With The Highlights [00:02:20] Kathy Smith: Bill, welcome to the show. Bill Gifford: It’s great to be here. Thank you....
3 Morning Rituals I Swear By 1. An anti-inflammatory morning drink that includes a few of these ingredients…. Ginger – Studies suggest it’s anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting Oil of oregano – An excellent source of fiber and the vitamins A,...
Cellular Magic Happens WHEN YOU STOP EATING LISTEN - APPLE LISTEN - SPOTIFY READ - TRANSCRIPT To Listen, Click Play Below! Think of your body like a house that needs regular maintenance. Over time, things wear down and need repair – that’s exactly what...
Episode 16 | Kate Grace | Releasing The Champion Within LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! Why you should listen – When you’re young, you might dream of being an Olympian. But you can’t just wake up one day, snap your fingers, and then pick up your gold medal. It takes...
4 Ways To Prevent A Protein Shake BLOAT 1 – Pace yourself! Gulping a shake can leave you feeling uncomfortably bloated! Slow down and savor your super-smooth shake. That way, you won’t swallow excess air. 2 – Hit The STOP Button! Remember, the more...
You’re As Young As You Feel! (FREE 10-Min Video To Feel Younger) This week, I watched my daughter Kate (aka “Fast Kate”) race after her dreams, and compete in the 800 m track and field finals in the Olympics. She embodied the fighting spirit and is...