6 Weird Ways to Drop The Last 10 Lbs
6 Weird Ways to Drop The Last 10 Lbs I am often asked about this dilemma: Why, after working out for months and months, altering their lifestyles and changing their diets, do many people get stuck on a “weight loss plateau.” Bringing us the question, “How the heck DO...8 Ways To Master Your Morning
8 Ways To Master Your Morning I recently returned from LA, where I attended the 2015 IDEA Fitness Convention, and my mind is completely invigorated by all of the energy…12,000 trainers under one roof — oh my 🙂 At the opening ceremonies, Brendon Burchard...Stress-Free In 5 Mins
Stress-Free In 5 Mins Stress is a killer! Especially for women. When your body senses stress, your adrenal glands react by pumping out the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Some cortisol is healthy, and even necessary for you to be able to function every day. But too...
Wash Away Stress in 2 Mins
As I write this, I’m cozied up with a soft blanket, sipping warm green tea, listening to the raindrops gently pitter patter on the roof…a rare and special occurrence here in LA. The rain triggers something deep within my body and sends signals for it to...How To Restore Your Vitality This Weekend (In As Little As 90 Seconds)
Feeling 100 percent alive requires the freely circulating flow of movement and energy and fluids in the body. From the synovial fluid that lubricates our joints, to our spinal fluid, to the water passing through our system and cleansing it of waste products, to lymph...Cheat Sheet For Flat Abs
We’ve all done it: That moment when you stand in front of the mirror and “pinch an inch,” squeezing the extra flesh around your midsection, imagining what you’d look like if you could just wave a magic wand and make it disappear. It’s in our nature to seek out a...How Your Stress Affects Your Sex
Stress is a killer! Especially for women. When your body senses stress, your adrenal glands react by pumping out the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Some cortisol is healthy, and even necessary for you to be able to function every day. But too much can wreak havoc...
The ABCs Of Menopause: Part 2
For part 1, click here N- Night Sweats Night sweats are hot flashes that happen while you’re sleeping. At their worst, they can be a real trial; some women awaken drenched with sweat and have to change sheets and clothing. But even if you can’t climb into bed and get...
Rough Nights Sleep
How do you bounce back after a rough night? Adequate sleep is vital for so many reasons–cognitive functions, a healthy immune system, staying energetic, and so much more. Constant exhaustion can actually cause you