Yoga/Pilates Archives - Page 3 of 8 - Kathy Smith
8 Ways to Replenish Your Emotional Reserves

8 Ways to Replenish Your Emotional Reserves

8 Ways to Replenish YOUR EMOTIONAL RESERVES During these challenging times, feeling stressed and overwhelmed is expected, but creating moments of peace within each day can nourish the spirit and boost your overall resilience. Stepping up your self-nurturing habits can...
Breath of Fresh Air! 5 Gym-Free Ways to Move

Breath of Fresh Air! 5 Gym-Free Ways to Move

Breath of Fresh Air! 5 GYM-FREE WAYS TO MOVE It’s the weekend, which means it’s time for a breath of fresh air!  I recently asked the members of the private Fit Over 40 Facebook group to share innovative ways that they’re moving in the great...
Chocolate Collagen Protein Shake

Chocolate Collagen Protein Shake

Glowing Skin… CHOCOLATE ALMOND COLLAGEN SHAKE Often times, the first thing you notice about a person is their face. It’s a barometer of their personality, attitude, and yes…even their youth.   Imagine drawing a line across the widest part of your...
Strengthen Lungs with Nasal Breathing

Strengthen Lungs with Nasal Breathing

Strengthen Lungs WITH NASAL BREATHING In a time where COVID-19’s main target is the lungs, it’s important to keep them strong. The nose is a reservoir for nitric oxide, an essential gas for the maintenance of good health. By breathing through the nose, you...

3 Tips to Create a Space of Rejuvenation

3 Tips to Create a Space of Rejuvenation When was the last time you heard yourself say: “I am so tense and worn out— what I need is a brisk walk, a healthy dinner, a warm bath, and a good night’s sleep”? Be honest. Although I can guarantee this prescription would be...

Meditate Before You Medicate!

Meditate Before You Medicate! If I could give you a magic pill, a wonder drug, that would help you feel less stressed, anxious, and depressed, and more focused, emotionally sensitive, and happy…would you take it? Well, you’re in luck because I have a pill...

STOP ✋ Anxiety in its Tracks

STOP ✋ Anxiety in its Tracks I’ve been a devoted student of focused breathing for over four decades. In all my years, I’ve never experienced anything quite as profound as the power of stillness for relieving stress and restoring a sense of peace by...

Wake Up Refreshed 5-Min Power Pilates Video

Wake Up Refreshed 5-Min Power Pilates Video In the mornings, it can be hard to go from zero to sixty. A quick pilates routine may be the trick you need to gently lulls you out of a sleepy state. Activating the core with a pilates routine has multiple benefits. It...