Yoga/Pilates Archives - Page 2 of 8 - Kathy Smith
The Power of Fun

The Power of Fun

The Power of  FUN Step 1… Breathe in sunshineStep 2…. Let the laughter begin! One of my favorite ways to spark joy is to head into the snowy outdoors and go butt sledding… hike up a mountain, and then sled all the way down, laughing all the way! Before the sledding...

3 Tips to Balance Cortisol

3 Tips to Balance Cortisol Here are Dr. Sara Gottfried’s 3 tips that you can implement today so you can start feeling relaxed tomorrow.  Strategy #1: Wean Off the Caffeine Drinking caffeine may help you feel more energized in the short-term, but it’s a high...
Facial Exercises to Lift The Eyebrows

Facial Exercises to Lift The Eyebrows

Facial Exercises to Lift the Eyebrows A regular cardio and strength training routine is key to a healthy life. But, the muscles in your face are often neglected… even though they’re the ones that are seen most often.  If your face and neck could use a...
Facial Exercises to Contour Your Mouth

Facial Exercises to Contour Your Mouth

Facial Exercises to Contour Your Mouth Now you have more reason to smile than ever…today’s mouth exercises are among the best ways to to firm up muscles in the face so you love the face that’s smiling back at you in the mirror.  Your face...
8 Ways to Combat Pandemic Fatigue

8 Ways to Combat Pandemic Fatigue

8 Ways to Combat PANDEMIC FATIGUE Between pandemic fatigue, stress, burnout, anxiety… how are you nourishing your spirit during these times? Research showed that depression rates have increased three times during the pandemic, so it’s clear that it’s...

Ageless Energy – 10-Min Stretch

Ageless Energy – 10-Min Stretch Stretching is a key to ageless energy.  Over time, tension and tightness can cause stiff joints and muscles that eventually lead to reduced mobility and aging. Doing a simple stretch sequence on a regular basis can dramatically...
How to Create a New Exercise Habit

How to Create a New Exercise Habit

How to Create a New Exercise Habit What’s your morning routine? In other words, what are the first few things you do in the morning? Shower, grab a protein shake…or a muffin? If you want your life to be better, it’s all about choices. Specifically,...
Facial Exercises to Contour Your Cheeks

Facial Exercises to Contour Your Cheeks

Facial Exercises to Contour Your Cheeks One popular trend showing up on social media feeds lately is facial fitness. Yes…working out your face! But does it really work? Before you roll your eyes, consider this… There are approximately 50 muscles in your...
8 Ways to Combat Pandemic Fatigue

Reach Your Peak Level of Vitality!

Reach Your Peak LEVELS OF VITALITY! For many of us, our forties and fifties are critical, pivotal decades. It’s when you either start becoming interested in health and begin doing the things that will sustain you in the long run, or (I hate to say it) you really start...