Episode 30 | Dr. Sara Gottfried, M.D. | Younger CLICK PLAY! FAMILIAR WITH PODCASTS? LISTEN ON iTUNES! Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher Follow along with the transcript Kathy Smith: Well, let’s just jump right in. We’ve all been...
No Time To Workout? No Problem. By far, one of the most popular excuses for not working out is lack of time. It goes without saying that we all have hectic lives. As a businesswoman and mother, I think I’m as busy as anyone! But when you get to a point that you can’t...
How To Find Your Lactate Threshold Scientists rate workout intensity as a percentage of maximum heart rate (MHR). If you want to, you can track your heart rate by wearing a heart rate monitor, or checking your pulse. I found that a more simple way is to pay attention...
Episode 23 | Dr. Max Testa, Ph.D. | Releasing Your Inner Athlete CLICK PLAY! Why you should listen One of my goals for next year…a REALLY big goal… is to Ride Across America. That’s right – in May 2017 I’m taking a cross-country journey…...
3 Strength Training Tips To Banish “Skinny Fat” Here are 3 strength training approaches to maximize your strength training workouts so you increase testosterone levels while shifting the fat-to-muscle ratio. 1 – Increase your weights while...
Metabolic Acceleration May Be The Fat-Burning Tool You’re Looking For CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON BELOW TO LISTEN! https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/vlip-004_TAOL_Martin_Gibala-mp3cut.net_.mp3 TO LISTEN TO THE FULL 30-MINUTE PODCAST, CLICK HERE...
Episode 21 | Katy Bowman | Rethink Your Every Step LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! Why you should listen – About 20 years ago, I started writing about the 3 F’s of fitness…formal, fun, functional. Formal is going to the gym or going to a class. Fun is what it...
Cellular Magic Happens WHEN YOU STOP EATING LISTEN - APPLE LISTEN - SPOTIFY READ - TRANSCRIPT To Listen, Click Play Below! Think of your body like a house that needs regular maintenance. Over time, things wear down and need repair – that’s exactly what...
Add THIS Spice To Your Shake To Reduce Gut Inflammation! Learn more about how cardamom can balance the bacteria living in your gut from today’s audio with Dr. Alan Christianson. Click play below!...