Walk Your Way to a Round Butt

Walk Your Way to a Round Butt

Walk Your Way to a Round Butt LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! There’s more to walking than cardio… your daily jaunt can also be turned into a glute-rounder! With a few adjustments to your steps, you’ll increase the burn in your backside.  The first step...
Walk Your Way to a Round Butt

Walking is Brain Fertilizer

Walking is Brain Fertilizer LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! Greet spring with an outdoor walk! Walking is possibly the most underrated, least used workout method in your regimen.  Walking can be much more than enjoying the fresh air and noticing a range of beloved blooms...
Cardio… It Makes You Younger!

Cardio… It Makes You Younger!

Cardio… It Makes You Younger! There’s an important relationship between cardio and your chromosomes. At the center of that relationship is something called telomeres. Telomeres are the bits of DNA found on the tips of your chromosomes. Those little DNA...
Walk Your Way to a Round Butt

Get Outside! 40-Minute Power Walk

Get Outside! 40-Minute Power Walk LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! The snow here in Park City is slowly starting to thaw, the days are getting longer, and pretty soon the flowers will start to bud. It’s almost spring… the best time of year to take your fitness...
Cardio… It Makes You Younger!

Reinvent Your Walking Workout

Reinvent Your Walking Workout 30-MinSlim & StrongWalking Audio Join me for a 30-minute guided Slim & Strong walking audio! This 30-minute guided walk will teach you how to pump up the pace turn your walk into a fat-burning workout.  As a bonus, your glutes,...
Boost Human Growth Hormone to Lose Weight

Boost Human Growth Hormone to Lose Weight

Boost Human Growth Hormone to Lose Weight LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! One of the major keys to losing weight is balancing hormones. A surprising way to do that? HIIT training.  HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, which refers to short bursts of intense...
Boost Human Growth Hormone to Lose Weight

Easy Way to Boost Immunity

Easy Way to Boost Immunity LISTEN – CLICK PLAY Fight the urge to sit around after your Thanksgiving meal, and start a new tradition by heading out for walk. Not only will you shake off that stuffed feeling, but here’s another major benefit you may not have...
30-Min Fat-Burning Workout

30-Min Fat-Burning Workout

30-Min FAT-BURNING WORKOUT LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! kathysmithfitness · Kathy Smith Move It Cardio 1 - Walk It Off 2 You might be surprised how many leisure hours you spend in front of screens every day. If you adjust your schedule or turn off your phone, TV or...
30-Min Indoor Walking Workout Video

30-Min Indoor Walking Workout Video

30-Min Indoor Walking Workout Video Next Sunday is Move4Her Day! Ready for some feel good movement, and to raise money to support gynecologic cancer research? Join Me For a LIVE Virtual Workout! Move4Her is a live virtual workout next Sunday, October 18th at 10:00 am...
Walking Boosts Your Immunity

Walking Boosts Your Immunity

Walking Boosts Your Immunity LISTEN…CLICK PLAY! A simple tip to turn your walk into an immune-boosting, fat-burning workout is to add bursts of HIIT training! I wanted to make sure you get access to this free walking audio that incorporates calorie-blasting...