Turn Your Walk Into A TREADMILL WORKOUT Think that you and the treadmill aren’t a match made in heaven? Think again. Once you start experimenting with treadmill settings, you can find a whole new groove. A popular treadmill workout right now is the...
Banana Chocolate PROTEIN MUFFIN Ingredients 3 Eggs25 g / 2 tbsp Melted Coconut Oil50 g / ½ cup Almond Milk ( or any plant based milk) 100 g/ 1 cup Almond Flour1 scoop/ 30 g KS Vegan Protein Powder¼ cup / 30 g Monk fruit Sweetener or Coconut Sugar1 tsp/ 4 g Baking...
Visualization to Eliminate Negative Thinking CLICK PLAY BELOW For The 10-Min Releasing Negative Thinking Audio! https://www.kathysmith.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/KS05-SV-EliminateNegativeThinking.mp3 When it comes to your brain, every thought releases brain...
15-Min Upper Body Barre Toner The more consistent you are with your daily movement, the more likely you are to make it a habit… something that becomes automatic and so much easier, instead of a struggle. Some days, you may only have time to squeeze in a quick...
4 Love Potion SMOOTHIE RECIPES Love is in the air! Valentine’s Day is a perfect opportunity to set up a “love potion bar” where you line the counters with a variety of toppings, cute glasses, and turn on a fun romantic comedy. Add some va-va voom to...
Your Routines Become YOUR RITUALS Your routines becomes your rituals. Our habits and routines – many of which have become ingrained in our subconscious over the course of years – have a tremendous impact on our overall health and happiness. Anyone who has tried to...
7 Ways To Transition TO PLANT-BASED EATING A powerful way to improve your health, boost your energy and prevent chronic diseases is to transition to a more plant-based style of eating. Research has proven over and over again that optimizing your nutrition is a...
Episode 92 | Dr. Sara Gottfried M.D. | Change Your Body Weight Set-Point Women’s bodies go through many complex stages in a lifetime. Each of our journeys are unique, and they can include the excitement and stress of building our careers, through the rollercoaster of...
4 Calorie-Burning Combos Hands down, one of the BEST ways to boost your metabolism and lose fat in the shortest time is with compound exercises. The reason why I love them? Simple. They saves time, and have enormous pay-offs! “Combination” or...
10 Moves in 10 Minutes! CLICK PLAY TO START THE “10-IN-10” WORKOUT How you choose to structure your mornings has a lasting impact on your health. Plus… research consistently shows that if you want to maximize your productivity, you must harness the...