Zone 2 Training - Weight Loss Workout - Kathy Smith

Zone 2 Training


Zone 2 training might just be the sweet spot of fitness. It’s that period where you’re working hard enough to feel it, but not so hard that you can’t hold a conversation. It’s slow enough that one can maintain a conversation, but fast enough that the conversation might be a little strained. Think of it as the Goldilocks zone – not too easy, not too hard, but just right.

Here’s what makes Zone 2 training so special. This intensity level is perfect for teaching your muscles to efficiently use both fat and carbohydrates for energy. It’s like giving your mitochondria (those tiny powerhouses in your cells) a perfect workout. They’re working hard enough to improve but not so hard that they get overwhelmed.

What’s particularly fascinating is how Zone 2 training might help prevent various health issues. Scientists are finding that healthy mitochondria could be key in warding off conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s. Think of it as preventive maintenance for your body’s energy system!

Flashback to the 80s… We Made Zone 2 Fun!

Let me take you back to the 80s, when we were unknowingly mastering Zone 2 training while having an absolute blast! Remember these workouts?

1. Low-Impact Aerobics:
Those flowing, continuous movements we did to upbeat music? That was perfect Zone 2 training! We kept moving for 30-45 minutes, working hard enough to sweat but still able to sing along to the music.

2. Power Walking with Friends:
One of my favorite things to teach was group power walking. We’d gather in our colorful windbreakers, add some arm movements, and walk briskly while chatting – the perfect Zone 2 intensity!

3. Dance Aerobics:
Those grapevines and cha-cha steps? They weren’t just fun – they were keeping us right in that sweet Zone 2 spot while we grooved to the beat.

Ready to experience that perfect Zone 2 intensity? Try “Fat Burning Workout” which features three energizing routines that keep you in that sweet spot where you’re working steadily but sustainably.

As a bonus, you can also try “Weight Loss Workout” which combines aerobic moves with strength training, all while maintaining that conversational Zone 2 pace. Click through to get started with either of these time-tested routines!

While some researchers suggest that higher intensities might produce bigger effects on mitochondria, the real magic of Zone 2 is its sustainability. You can do it regularly, recover easily, and actually enjoy it!

Remember what we always said in the 80s – the best exercise is the one you’ll actually do! Zone 2 training gives us that perfect balance of effectiveness and enjoyment. It’s not about going all-out every time; it’s about finding that sweet spot where fitness meets fun.

Stop Fighting Carbs… Start Working With Them!


Don’t fear carbs… learn to use them, with Eat for Vitality! It’s an instantly downloadable e-book that includes a simple and sustainable carb cycling guide with 100+ delicious recipes… from quick breakfasts to one-pan dinners. Join success stories like Teresa, who lost 101 lbs in 10 months with carb cycling!