5 Techniques


Desperately seeking energy? In this sleep-deprived, multi-tasking, 100-mph world, by mid day you may be feeling a little low on energy which can impact your motivation and concentration.

If your current pace is unsustainable, here are 5 convenient, realistic rechargers to rev up, and reboot throughout your day.

Being alert, focused, and energized is an indescribable experience…. especially when you can sustain it daily.

There’s a sweet spot in life between work and recovery, doing and being, going and stopping. When you discover that balance, the magic occurs. You’re listening to your body’s cues to eliminate feeling drained and burned out.

Managing your energy is like managing your finances.

Successful stress management involves monitoring your stress levels and making daily deposits to your emotional energy reserves, by doing nurturing, rejuvenating activities.

When you’re feeling a bit drained, you can put energy back into your account by weeding out what doesn’t serve you, and saving energy for activities and people that leave you feeling happy and fulfilled.


Box breathing is a simple breathing technique that can instantly help you feel calmer and more focused. Here’s how it works:

  1. Inhale through your nose for a count of 4.
  2. Hold your breath for a count of 4.
  3. Exhale through your mouth for a count of 4.
  4. Hold for another count of 4.

That’s one breath cycle. Repeat for a total of 4 cycles.




Take a mindful moment to tune into your senses. Think back to a time when you experienced a truly wonderful sensation, like your first kiss or the smell of your baby’s skin. Those vivid memories stay with you because their newness kept you fully present in the moment.

Slow down your day-to-day activities. Even something as simple as washing your hands can become a calming ritual if you do it mindfully. Feel the warmth of the water, the texture of the soap, and the sensation of the bubbles on your skin. This awareness has a calming effect.




I love what Oprah said about gratitude, “I know for sure that appreciating whatever shows up for you in life changes your personal vibration. You radiate and generate more goodness for yourself when you focus on you have’s instead of your have-nots.”

To make room for gratitude, try a “drain brain.”

Set a timer for five minutes and write whatever comes to mind…your to-do list, what’s making you worried, or anything that’s bugging you. I call it a “brain drain,” and it’s scientifically proven to help reduce anxiety and put a halt to racing thoughts. Write your thoughts down as they come. This technique is very useful for breaking through emotional blocks and getting in touch with your feelings. It can also be a wonderful stimulus to true joy and gratitude. 



Treat yourself to a warm, soothing bath to relax your mind and body after a crazy day. You can turn your bath routine into a ritual by infusing the water with mood-boosting essential oils, a few candles, and a good book. When your toes touch the water, the healing and neurochemical switch begins. Your body responds by decreasing cortisol (the stress hormone), slowing your breathing and heart rate, and helping you achieve a more relaxed and clear state of mind, similar to what you experience during meditation.




A key to maintaining energy as we age is staying flexible. Over time, tightness can build up, causing discomfort and reduced mobility. A daily stretch routine can release tension, improve posture, and keep you pain-free.

This 16-minute stretch focuses on releasing tension in your hamstrings, back, and neck, promoting relaxation and mobility. Regular stretching will help you move more freely and sleep better, keeping your body feeling youthful and energized.

A little motivation is just 16 minutes away!