Living Well, Aging Well

The concept of lifespan is evolving….It’s not just about how long you’ll live, but how long you’ll live well. Aging isn’t determined by a single factor, but by the interplay of genetics, environment, and lifestyle choices.
I’ve learned that living fully means continually learning, sharing, creating, and experiencing. Each day is a new opportunity for growth and joy.
Maintaining zest for life isn’t always easy, especially as we navigate career demands, family responsibilities, and hormonal changes. Here’s how I approach fitness and nutrition to stay energized and embrace life’s adventures:
As I stride through my 70s, I’m more excited than ever about the future. I’ve let go of pettiness, judgment, and worrying about others’ opinions. Instead, I’m focused on helping people, protecting our planet, and sharing my gifts.
Remember, it’s not about striving for a younger you – it’s about becoming the best version of yourself right now.
Embrace your body, focus on progress over perfection, and do something every day to feel stronger, healthier, and more vibrant.

Staying active is crucial, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a glimpse into my weekly routine:

  1. Daily outdoor time (walking, hiking, biking, or winter sports)
  2. Strength training 3x/week with B Strong blood flow restriction bands
  3. 20-60 minutes of yoga daily

Remember, consistency matters more than perfection. Find activities you enjoy and make them part of your regular schedule.


What we put into our bodies has a massive impact on our energy levels. While I love indulging in dark chocolate occasionally, I always aim to avoid these health-eroding foods:

  1. Sugary beverages masquerading as “healthy”
  2. Condiments loaded with hidden sugars
  3. Overly processed foods
  4. Bad fats and inflammatory oils
  5. Hidden sugars (remember, a muffin is just a cupcake without frosting!)
Unlock your potential, and age on your own terms!