Sleep… The New Status Symbol

The world has forgotten to sleep! Two-thirds of adults in developed countries are sleeping less than the recommended 8 hours a night… a sleep epidemic!

Sleep may just be the missing puzzle of health. People often don’t see it as a critical issue, but lack of quality shut-eye has been linked to nearly all major modern illnesses, including heart disease Alzheimer’s, cancer, and diabetes. Poor sleep dramatically increases one’s propensity for metabolic dysfunction, including type 2 diabetes, and it can wreak havoc with the body’s hormonal balance. 

While there is no surefire solution for perfect sleep, here are 7 practices that can significantly enhance your ability to fall asleep quickly and remain asleep throughout the night.

  • Practice good sleep hygiene by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Avoid blue light exposure from screens for 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Prioritize consistency by going to bed and waking up at the same times every day, even on weekends.
  • Optimize light exposure by getting bright morning sunlight and using amber glasses to block blue light in the evenings.
  • Be mindful of meal timing and avoid eating for 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Consider supplements like magnesium, glycine, or apigenin if you have trouble sleeping.
  • Exercise regularly, but avoid intense workouts too close to bedtime.
  • Reduce stress through relaxing activities like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga before bed.


Audio Visualization

When counting sheep just isn’t cutting it, consider listening to the visualization above, where I teach you a technique that will transport you into a new space of peace, tranquility, and inner calm.

A natural byproduct of this guided relaxation is that your muscles, ligaments, and tendons go loose and limp, thereby creating the relaxation response… the perfect state for sleeping.

Once the relaxation response is triggered you’ll immediately notice the physical benefits, such as a decrease in blood pressure, a lower respiratory rate, and a slower pulse rate.