3 Ways To Turn Up The Heat If You’ve Hit A Rut

1. Take A Disconnection Vacation
When men and women were surveyed, both agreed that a weekend vacation was the best way to stimulate romance. But, you can’t get away every weekend! So tune out the world for an at-home getaway that leads to some “vacation sex.” Agree to no cell phones, no computer, and dedicate time for each other.
2. Be Adventurous
Do what you always do, and you’ll get the same results! Agree to be open with your partner, and suggest something you’ve always wanted to try. And of course, be open to suggestions that he/she has! Then, use the suggestions to achieve a mutually-agreed upon goal to spice up your sex life.
3. Fifteen Minutes Quality Time
It’s amazing what 10-15 mins of devoted time with your partner will accomplish….especially on a daily basis. Both of you will look forward to that time when it’s just the two of you, taking care of each other. You might want to do it during an evening stroll, or even lay in bed a few minutes early so you can reconnect before you sleep.
Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection…and get ready for some positive changes in your relationship…and sex life!