3 FREE Videos To Tone Every Trouble Zone - Kathy Smith

I’ve often said that when it comes to losing weight, getting fit, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, “Consistency is key.”  And there’s no doubt about that one – after all, the only way to get to the top of the mountain is to simply keep putting one foot in front of the other, in spite of the obstacles that might fall into your path. I’ve also been quoted saying that it’s important to constantly switch up your workout routines to avoid plateaus and keep your muscles guessing, adapting, and growing.  So you might be asking yourself, Which is it?  Do I follow the “consistency” mantra, or do I keep on trying new things?  The trick is to do both.  While it’s important to follow a regular, methodical routine, you’ll only get results if you keep incorporating new moves.  Think of it as consistent change. For example, I’ve been following the same weekly routine for some time now – to an extent.  It looks something like this:

  • Sunday – Hiking
  • Monday – TRX
  • Tuesday – Spin
  • Wednesday – Wild Card
  • Thursday – TRX
  • Friday – Hiking
  • Saturday – Yoga

I call Wednesday my “Wild Card” day because it’s my freebie – not my “day off” from exercising, but my day to do anything and everything I might want.  That might mean an exciting new class, whether it’s dancing or indoor rowing – or it might mean another day of cardio, strength training, yoga, or pilates, depending on what my body needs, and what will “surprise” it. That element of surprise is the key; it’s what the great Tony Horton refers to as “muscle confusion.”  After you’ve been exercising regularly for a while, your body learns the routine and adapts accordingly.  The good news is, workouts become easier.  The bad news is, this is when you often stop seeing results.  So, to overcome those plateaus, take a “wild card” day and switch things up. Looking for some ways to shake up your routine?  Try the 3 free workouts below….a barre workout for long, sleek legs, a floor workout for flat abs and a strengthening workout for toned arms.

1. Barre Workout For Long, Beautiful Lines

From my Barre Body Lift DVD

2. Lift Weights To Lose Weight for Flat Abs

From my Lift Weights To Lose Weight DVD

3. Total Body Turnaround for Strong Arms

From my Total Body Turnaround DVD

The perfect combination to tone your back, arms and legs:


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