6-Minute Abdominal Breathing Video  - Kathy Smith
I just returned back home from a fun-filled two weeks in NYC and Nashville. While I was in the Big Apple with my friend, I spent time giggling with my daughter, taking walks in Central Park, and of course viewing incredible art galleries.

And, from the Country Music Hall of Fame to the down-home country food at the Loveless Cafe, Nashville was a honky-tonk adventure.

Now, with traveling behind me, and Memorial day activities planned for tomorrow, it’s time for me to decompress.
During 3-day weekends, we all experience a constant need for stimulation. Between backyard parties, kicking off the camping season, and spending time with friends and family, we’re on overdrive….busy, busy, busy!

Because of this, when we find a moment of peace within the midst hustle and bustle, we often fill that space with food or drink.

That’s a giant red flag which leads to overeating, and an unwanted belly bloat!

This weekend, when you notice the urge to splurge, try today’s abdominal breathing exercise instead.

It’s a 6-minute video that will bring you to the present moment, and increase your energy levels… something we could all use a little more of today and tomorrow! So say goodbye to chaos, and shine with joy!