10-Min Workout Makes You Feel More Alert Than Coffee - Kathy Smith

10-Min Workout Makes You Feel More Alert Than Coffee

Excuses create more excuses… especially when it comes to skipping a workout! Research shows that missing just one workout increases your odds of playing hookie on another…and another…by 61%. That’s why it’s important to always have a super quick, but incredibly effective routine ready to go. The solution? High-Intensity Interval Training, or “HIIT.” Though the word “intense” might make it appear daunting, HIIT workouts are highly adaptable, can be done in just a few minutes, and will reinvigorate you better than a cup of joe. Here are 5 reasons why HIIT is a must-add to your workout routine…

Fat Loss – Research found that a 15-week HIIT program burned considerably more body fat when compared to a 20-week endurance training routine.

Metabolic Rate Is Higher for Hours After – Some studies have discovered that HIIT increases metabolism for hours after exercise…even more than strength training or jogging. This is known as “afterburn,” or “EPOC” (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), a measurably increased rate of oxygen intake following strenuous activity.

Overall Health – The benefits of HIIT aren’t just for those who want to lose weight. It can also reduce blood sugar levels and reduce resting heart rate and blood pressure in overweight and obese individuals.

Try this go-to option for a super-quick 10 min stimulating cardio meets strength training HIIT routine. It’s a full-body routine for whenever you’re too busy to get to the gym, or anytime you need a burst of energy.



This workout takes muscle toning and fat burning to the next level. The secret is muscle integration! Ultimate Sculpt includes: 30-Minute interval training,10-Minute core conditioning and 10-Minute replenish. 

1 Workout – $12.99
2 Workouts – $19.99
3 Workouts – $24.99 *BEST VALUE*


Slim and trim in only 10-minutes a day! FastFit includes five 10-minute workouts that use interval and strength training to blast fat and achieve a toned, knockout body.

1 Workout – $12.99
2 Workouts – $19.99
3 Workouts – $24.99 *BEST VALUE*


Three 20-min different workout styles to create one killer exercise that targets trouble spots, improves balance, and helps you recharge. Total circuit • Total balance • Total energy!